Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A Fun Game

Vote on my newest poll. When do you think McKinlee will get here? Just as an update. As of last week I was measuring a week and a half ahead of schedule and with both of the boys I've gone 2 weeks early. The person closest to my due date will get a gift card to some place fun. Let me know what you voted for and if you voted for name your own date make sure you put what day.


Linley and Austin said...

Hey woman! Yeah, I think my cute little niece will come two weeks early :) Hope everything with you guys is going great! Love ya!

Brooke Brooks said...

I'm going with Nov 9th. No idea why it just sounds like a good day : )


I think she will make her grand entrance on November 14th:) Just sounds like a great day.

Elise&Mike said...

My guess is November 13th!

So exciting your going to have her soon!!!

~Aimee~ said...

I think she will arrive November 10th! Probably like 4pm. ;-)

Andrea Migliaccio said...

I'm going to guess November 12th!

Linley and Austin said...

I got those alligator clips at this craft store in Illinois. I would imagine they would be at any local craft store :)