Thursday, June 26, 2008

A show

Last night we had some AWESOME weather! My wonderful husband has such a great eye for photography and we so excited to finally get some good pictures of lightening. He stayed up until 1:00 am taking pictures and these are the only ones that turned out. This is one of the best reasons to live in the midwest. I looooooove severe thunderstorms like this.



WOW! Those pics are amazing! I miss thunder and lightning storms. And RAIN! It never rains like it did in West Virginia. It never stopped, it was like Noahs Ark and I loved it. hmm. One day we will live out there. Anyway, I love your new heading, SO cute:) The pic of you and Ryan is so nice and you both look great. I seriously hope that I am not sick for much longer. I can't take it man, I am such a baby. I just don't know how you are doing it with two little ones. You are a STRONG woman:)

Kmelanese said...

Those pictures are amazing!! We don't get storms like that here in Idaho.

Jobi Niu said...

Those pictures are SOOO TIGHT! I'm SO fetching scared of lightning and thunder though... Like WAY scared. Weird I know.

~*Jen*~ said...

Very cool shots!!!