Friday, March 28, 2008

Brightyn and Hayden Updates

Brightyn always seems to amaze me. He is now almost 2 (YEAH ALMOST 2 CRAZY!!!) and talking up a storm. I mean sometimes you don't know what he's saying but for the most part you can. I think for a 20 month old he is a very polite kid. Brightyn will say please when he wants something (sometimes he has to be reminded) and after you give him something or he gives you something he says thank you. Along with Please and thank you he is saying:
cars (everything is a car until you remind him somethings are trucks and motorcycles)
lightening mcqueen (from his favorite movie of all time Cars)
bops (his favorite t.v. show doodlebops)
kylie (his favorite cousin)
woof woof
Woah buddy (my favorite saying)
bye bye
I see you (his first sentence)
his favorite...No
High Five

He also knows the Book of Mormon Stories, Popcorn popping, and do as I'm doing motions. It is so cute to watch him dance because he gets so into it. He also knows how to count to 3. I know that its only 3 but it was a long hard road to get to 3 haha. He would always go 1,2,1,2...No 3 :)

Like I said he always seems to amaze me. I love my little guy and can't believe that he's almost 2!!!

Hayden is now starting to scooch his way accross the floor. Right now its kinda the head into the ground and the back legs are pushing kind of thing. Just last week he learned to sit up on his own..thank you Kylie and Kai. But now he's scooching!!! Crazy. I mean it seems like yesterday when I was freaking crawling up the delivery bed in pain and now he's almost crawling. He loves to be around Brightyn and learns so much from him. I can't wait until they can actually play together instead of Brightyn dominating him.

I really don't have much to update on except for the it pretty boring right now... :(


Cheryl said...

I wouldn't say your life is boring because so much is happening with your kids. They are your life! Brightyn seems like a very happy, smart little boy! And Hayden is just growing unbelievably fast. Sounds like lots of fun at your house!!

Linley and Austin said...

My Brightyn is growing up fast! Sounds like Hayden is catching up too! Too cute :)